Monday, July 16, 2007

Haze Pollution PM2.5 Webcam Links

1.Whats in pm2.5 haze or soot that makes lowers the natural visibility.
2.NE US HazecamNet Realtime Air Pollution and Visibility Monitoring
3.Washington DC Natl Park Service PM2.5 data/Webcam
4.Boundary Waters, MN Forest Serv. PM2.5 data/air quality webcam
5.North Carolina Pilot Mountain Triad Hazecam and pm2.5 data
Select "detailed data" at the above website at the lower right corner to get
the current pm2.5 levels.
6.Seattle Hazecam and pm2.5 data. Keep in mind that the camera points
East toward Mt.Rainier which is downwind of the pm2.5 monitor..
meaning that the view East may show more haze than the data seems
to show. hint: the winds are almost always from the West to East here.
7.Denver Air Pollution Webcam

8.Phoenix Arizona Visibility Network
9.Midwest Haze cam for Minn. and Mich.
And now a few cams in normally clean clear areas:
10.Glacier National Park Webcams
11.Wyoming Thunder Basin and other state cams
12.Utah Richfield. I vote the best views! NC and DC are usually
the most polluted.


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